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Vienna Weather You have reached the home of Richard Yancy in Vienna, Virginia, USA. This site contains a lot stuff that I have collected over the years. I have put it all together to create something unique and interesting. Please feel free to "surf" around. There is lots of interesting content. First, I have included some information about myself (might be a stretch on interesting). There is also information about my educational affiliations as well as professional contacts. I have also included many links to other sites I have visited. Sign the guestbook When you are done "surfing", please don't forget to sign the Guest Book. If you have any comments about this site or just want to say "Hello", give a "Shout-Out", or just leave your mark, the guestbook is the perfect place. So look around. There's a lot of stuff here. ENJOY!!!!!

Skully If you are curious about who I am, then check out my Personal Information. It may help if you are having trouble sleeping. It contains all kinds of information about my background, career, hobbies, and other surprises. My résumé and vita are also there.

Justice I believe education is one of the most important tools in life. Details of my early education can be found via my secondary-primary education.

For my college education, I attended Morehouse College. That turned out to be the best decision ever made. In 1991, I completed a bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

After Morehouse, I decided to pursue advanced degrees in Computer Science. I am still not quite sure of the reason. It just seemed to be the right decision. For graduate school, I am attending Lehigh University. Still majoring in Computer Science, I completed a master's degree in 1993 and finished A.B.D. (All But Dissertation) in the doctorate program a few years later. :)

Computer Hacker Currently, I am employed with Karta as a Technical Project Manager. The company is based in San Antonio, TX but I am working in Washington, DC, which I started on in August 2007. Prior to Karta, I was employed with Paragon as a Software Configuration Manager. The company is based in Cranford, NJ but I worked in Vienna, VA. I was downsized from Synygy in April 2004 in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania as a Build Maintenance Manager. Prior to Synygy, I was employed with Manugistics, Inc.. My position with Manugistics was a return to my roots in Software Development. I was employed as a Senior Software Developer in the Server Applicaitons Team for the NetWORKS/Transport product. Prior to Manugistics, I was employed with Stelex Inc. as a Project Manager in the Systems Development Services department. Formerly, I was employed as an Advisory Information Technology Specialist with IBM Global Services. As a specialist I was assigned to the Lucent Technologies account as part of a major outsourcing deal between the two companies. Prior to working for IBM/GS I did computing consulting for Devon Consulting. My only assignment with Devon was at Lucent Technologies which is how I connected with IBM/GS. For almost four years prior to working with Devon Consulting, I was employed with Quest One Decision Sciences (formerly Technology Systems Corporation). This company is a manufacturing engineering consulting firm based in Bethlehem, PA. I was employed in the Information Technology group. As a prt-time profession I was also an Adjunct Instructor at Montgomery County Community College. I taught courses on Internet Application Development and Administration.

Advanced Software Engineering, Inc. Worldwide Logo In my voluminous spare time, I am very active in many things. I am organizing a software engineering firm, known as ASEINC. The firm specializes in services relevant to the creation, distribution, and application of software intellectual capital. GMO Spinning Globe When not working with ASEINC, I am a general partner in the Global Music Outlet. This venture based in Easton, Pennsylvania sells, buys, and trades musical compact discs and accessories via the internet.

Etc. This site has errata similar to many internet sites. That is where the similarities stop. First, there are my Internet Sites of Interest. This page contains links to other sites I have visited in the past. You will note that I have been to many places. Feel free to check them out. Many other pages in this site have links as well.

Graph If you are interested in statistics then check out my collection of stats. There are all kinds of stats from my homepage stats to stats from around the world. At times I may post random stats that I have encountered. These stats may be about anything. I could post stats on how many transactions are performed on the NYSE. On another day, I may add stats on the human population. If you are truly interested in stats, check them out.

Miscellaneous Occasionally I may find something that doesn't fit into any of the above categories or I haven't had time to classify it. This "stuff" gets placed in Miscellaneous.

Lastly but not least I want to make some final remarks about this site. Currently, the site is totally free. I charge for nothing. Over the years the site has grown and become very complex. It is very difficult to keep the pace of improvement and requires an extensive amount of time. If you would like to make the time well spent then a donation from your heart would be very welcome. Donations can be made via Any support is greatly appreciated.

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