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The education of Richard Yancy.

My primary and secondary education started in Los Angeles, California. I attended schools all over southern California. My family moved a lot and I attended many schools. Some schools were great and some schools were not so great. Overall, I ended up leaving for an early admission program at Morehouse College.

I decided to go to college on an admission program at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. This turned out to be my most valuable education of all. My life was transformed dramatically. I really made the transition from a South Central Boy to a Morehouse Man. Most of my current friends have been friends that I made at Morehouse.

Computer Information After college, I decided to pursue my graduate degrees from Lehigh University. This environment really prepared me for dealing with the real world. LU was a microcosm for life in America. I did fairly well at Lehigh and got the confidence that I would do well in America.

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